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Dvorák:String Quintet G major op. 77
德弗札克:G大調弦樂五重奏 Op.77

Dvorák:String Quintet G major op. 77 Dvorák:String Quintet G major op. 77 Dvorák:String Quintet G major op. 77 Dvorák:String Quintet G major op. 77
作者(演奏者):Dvorák, Antonín
定 價:948 元
特 價:825 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Bärenreiter-Verlag 德國騎熊士版 引領風潮讓原音重現
Dvorák, Antonín
String Quintet G major op. 77
德弗札克:G大調弦樂五重奏 Op.77

Dvorák's “String Quintet in G major” op. 77, had five movements when it was premiered on 18 March 1876. Its second movement was the “Intermezzo” from his “String Quartet in E minor” (1870). Later Dvorák removed this movement from the quintet, expanded it, and published it as a separate “Notturno” for string orchestra op. 40. The “Intermezzo” is included in its original version in the appendix of the score.

This edition is based on the “Complete Edition of the Works of Antonín Dvorák”, the principal source being the first edition of 1888, for which Dvorák subjected the work to revision.

• Dvorák’s famous quintet with double bass

• New detailed foreword by Dvorák scholar David Beveridge (Eng/Cz/Ger)

• Musical text based on the “Complete Edition of the Works of Antonín Dvorák” (series IV, vol. 8)


作 者: Dvorák, Antonín
原書名: String Quintet G major op. 77
Volume / Series: BÄRENREITER String Quintet
ISMN: 9790260107199
語言型式: 英文/德文/五線譜
適用版本: Performance score(s), Set of part(s)
樂 器: Violin, Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Double bass
適 用: 名曲、音樂會
外 觀: 平裝 / 11 / 11 / 11 / 12 / 11 頁 / 31.0 x 24.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷
  • String Quintet G major op. 77


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