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Improve your theory! Grade 3 (All Instruments)
提昇你的樂理 第三級

Improve your theory! Grade 3 (All Instruments) Improve your theory! Grade 3 (All Instruments)
作者(演奏者):Paul Harris
商品品牌:Faber Music
定 價:328 元
特 價:279 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

A workbook for examination Support the requirements of ABRSM theory examinations
【英文版】Improve your theory! Grade 3 (All Instruments)

提升你的樂理 第三級 (適用所有樂器)




***Winner of Best Print Resource 2016 at the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence***

Improve your theory! Grades 1–5 are the latest additions to the bestselling ‘Improve your …’ series by Paul Harris. This theory workbook takes students through every aspect of music theory covered in the grade 3 ABRSM examination. Firmly rooted in Paul Harris’s Simultaneous Learning approach, it will transform how music theory is taught and learnt, improving every aspect of musicianship along the way. Never before has theory been so fun or seemed so natural!

Handy fact files that cover different areas of music theory

Practice questions to help students prepare for examinations

Fun games and quizzes to engage students and offer new and interesting ways to tackle difficult concepts

Questions that connect theory directly with pupils’ own pieces – allowing them to discover the links between music in theory and music in practice

Opportunities for composing, improvising, aural and listening activities, all carefully devised to consolidate musical understanding.

若你的學生要強化提升英國皇家考試的能力,可以挑選《Improve Your Theory》這一套叫材系,這是一套受到許多老師採用的樂理書,是一本極為重視音樂素養的教材,裡面每個單元的樂理脈絡清晰,讓孩子知道為什麼需要樂理,另外還會延伸出許多不同的領域,例如創作、歷史以及各種引導孩子親自體驗音樂的活動,讓樂理生活且實用化。是一本可以打好樂理基礎扎根很深的樂理教材。

保羅哈里斯(Paul Harris),就讀於英國皇家音樂學院及倫敦大學,是一位享有國際盛譽的英國知名音樂教育家。



迄今為止,保羅·哈里斯已經出版逾600種主要有關音樂教育的出版物。其中他與理查德·克洛澤合著的《音樂教師指南》(Music Teacher's Companion)獲英國MIA新書獎,“提高你的理論”(Improve Your Theory!)系列獲音樂教師圖書資源獎,“提高你的視奏”(Improve Your Sight-reading!)系列是世界公認的鋼琴視奏類輔導教材。




作 者: Paul Harris / 保羅哈里斯
原書名: Improve your theory! Grade 3 (All Instruments)
ISBN: 9780571538638
語言型式: 英文/五線譜
樂 器: 所有樂器
適 用: ABRSM 第三級
外 觀: 平裝 / 48頁 / 31.0 x 24.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷




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