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Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 2
Second, Fourth, Sixth and Seventh

Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 2 Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 2 Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 2 Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 2 Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 2 Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 2
作者(演奏者):Harvey S. Whistler
編譯者:Rubank Publications
商品品牌:Hal leonard US
定 價:371 元
特 價:315 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

 Introducing the Positions, a series widely used in classroom and private studio, represents a critical “next step” for string students. Position playing allows players to extend range beyond the basics and move into the ranks of intermediate and advanced ensemble groups. The most important positions vary for each instrument, and Whistler wisely introduces the most-used positions first in Volume 1, followed by the next most important in Volume 2. An irreplaceable component for every string student's training!

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Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 1

Introducing the Positions for Violin Volume 1

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