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In Recital Throughout the Year, Vol Two, Book6

In Recital Throughout the Year, Vol Two, Book6 In Recital Throughout the Year, Vol Two, Book6 In Recital Throughout the Year, Vol Two, Book6 In Recital Throughout the Year, Vol Two, Book6 In Recital Throughout the Year, Vol Two, Book6
商品品牌:FJH Music
定 價:328 元
特 價:279 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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【英文版】In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume Two, Book 6


Book 6 of In Recital® Vol. Two offers tips on recital preparation, advice on "Managing Performance Jitters," the "Bull's Eye" practice strategy, and a guide to "What Makes a Performance Stellar?" as part of an ongoing discussion on the art of performance. New elements include dotted eighths, triplets and sixteenths, scales in tenths, syncopation, jazz chords, an introduction to Spanish rhythms and style, and more. Contents include classical themes: J.S. Bach (arr. Costley), Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, an equal part duet: Cervantes (arr. McLean), El Velorio; a Christmas solo: Willis (arr. Bober) It Came Upon the Midnight Clear, plus original solos.


系 列: FJH music
原書名: In Recital Throughout the Year, Volume Two, Book 6 
ISBN: 9781569394792 
語言型式: 英文/五線譜
樂 器: 鋼琴
適 用:  
外 觀: 平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷
  • Tango Romántico
  • Rags to Riches
  • A Stormy Voyage
  • Jazz Etude
  • Sunrise Over Reykjavik
  • It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
  • El Velorio
  • Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring


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