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Dennis Alexander:Busybody
Early Intermediate

Dennis Alexander:Busybody Dennis Alexander:Busybody Dennis Alexander:Busybody
作者(演奏者):Dennis Alexander
商品品牌:Alfred Music
定 價:144 元
特 價:122 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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By Dennis Alexander

Piano Sheet

Level: Early Intermediate

Item: 00-29134

Series: Signature Series

Composed by: Dennis Alexander

Instrument: Piano

Format: Sheet

Page Count: 4

Item Number: 00-29134

UPC: 038081319971



This upbeat solo has it a lively tempo, different articulations, block chords, lots of accidentals, quick changes in dynamics, blocked and broken chords -- all in the key of A major! It is an excellent technical workout in 4/4 meter as well as really fun piece to play. The title says it all -- students' hands and minds will be very busy.


這個樂觀的獨奏節奏活潑,不同的發音,塊和弦,大量的臨時記號,動態的快速變化,塊和破碎的和弦——所有這些都在 A 大調的關鍵! 這是 4/4 米的出色技術鍛煉,也是非常有趣的樂曲。 標題說明了一切——學生的手和心會很忙。


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