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Dennis Alexander:Star Gazing(1P4H)
Early Intermediate

Dennis Alexander:Star Gazing(1P4H) Dennis Alexander:Star Gazing(1P4H) Dennis Alexander:Star Gazing(1P4H)
作者(演奏者):Dennis Alexander
商品品牌:Alfred Music
定 價:206 元
特 價:175 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Star Gazing

By Dennis Alexander

Piano Duet (1 Piano, 4 Hands) Sheet

Level: Early Intermediate

Item: 00-5449

Series: Signature Series

Composed by: Dennis Alexander

Instrument: Piano

Format: Sheet

Page Count: 8

Item Number: 00-5449

ISBN 10: 0-7390-1955-4

ISBN 13: 978-0-7390-1955-9

UPC: 038081020914



The performers will be playing legato, nocturne-like phrases in this soothing G-Major duet for intermediate pianists. The song is polyphonic and often features short arpeggio patterns, with very similar playing styles for both artists.


表演者將在這首舒緩的 G 大調二重奏中演奏連奏、夜曲般的樂句,適合中級鋼琴家。 這首歌是複調的,通常具有短琶音模式,兩位藝術家的演奏風格非常相似。


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